The first steps in building tree houses

Building a tree house requires, first and foremost, to install a solid foundation. Always choose the tree as the foundation pillar or more than one. You need to find a tree that has strong roots. The best ones are hardwoods, such as oaks, limes or beeches. Also some fruit trees such as chestnut or cherry trees, as well as pine, fir and larch (belonging to the conifer family). The stem must be at least 40 cm and then, if you use more trees, then you have to find those that have a certain stability and are also flexible. The structure of the tree house can be made with a variety of equipment available such as screwdrivers, drill, jigsaw, circular saw, window hinges, hatches and ladders.

Then a floor and create the base with very thick construction boards, assembling them horizontally. It is also necessary to create a small balcony and fix the entire structure in such a way that it can be a guarantee of safety. One important thing is the flooring: it is often possible to think of making it with pine at least 35 mm thick, in such a way that it is useful and easily treatable for humidity. Do not forget also the need to make a compartment that will serve as an entrance with a sort of trap door. The ladder then, is necessary for access and you have to make sure that it is safe and well attached to the structure.

Other useful tips for building tree houses
For the construction of tree houses it is important, once the original structure has been made, to enrich the windows with glass and then, to use a specific protective product for protecting the wood. This will prevent deterioration over time that comes easily, due to atmospheric agents that insist on the house. To seal the cracks you need to spread the silicone, while instead, you can give vent to the imagination for the furniture. This type of house is always exposed to the open air and needs maintenance, its importance must never be underestimated!

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